Go On… Strut those Searchy Pants…


As you are most likely finding out I like to truly gain an understanding of, as well as use, a techy gadget or site before I suggest it to others. I find that the more I get to know a product the better I can “sell” it, and so that is what I am doing here. Today I am transitioning into a new a fabulous search engine that will make “selling” our students parents on opening the doors to the world wide web a bit easier to swallow! www.searchypants.com is an educators dream come true. It’s cute… informative, safe, and best of all customizable. Yep- Google’s safe search is making this whole search world suitable for our kids! You can use the site as is.. OR you can make your own searchy pants domain. I did! You knew that was coming, right? www.searchypants.com/vandergriftj  You can add links you use often, (though only 9 is allowed as of now) and pick a cute background, color theme, and add a message too your browsing folk too! Now to be honest, I have had a few issues with it not saving my sites the first time, as well as it taking a while for the save to show up on the site, but all in all I like it!  Give it a try… and don’t be afraid to show off your searchy pants!  Now to give credit where due… I found this fab site from Edu Techer www.edutecher.net  and YES that is an free app for that 🙂  Adam Bellow is the creator and a very informative education tech guru.  Check him out!

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