Postering yourself… what could be bettter?


So forget the days of tearing pictures out of Teen Magazine and thumb tacking them to your wall…  No more will our tweens and teens be buying up the latest and greatest posters of Edward and Jacob, Beiber and more, No… This generation has skills! They can find twenty digital images of Jacob, or Edward, or Beiber and  upload to Glogster. Those images can be turned into a shrine of happiness with text and frames and links…  Yes it is true… Awww the joy of technology! Now being this is an educational blog of sorts, I suppose we have to put the pretty boys aside and think about how this would be effective in the classroom. What ways could this be used with students? Well here are a few ideas I have. While we do have to wait for those darling AUP forms to come rolling back in before we can let students have electronic access, a get to know me Glog would be a great way to start the year off right. Would I model this… UH YES… the first time, we would do it together. Would I prioritize tasks… YUP- My rule… content first… make it pretty second! Then as the year rolls along how about we do a glog on the Life Cycle of A Plant, or Our Holidays glog. In a diverse world our students often have a variety of celebratory events that they would love to share with the class. This is  a perfect tool to use for that. We do an economics unit and students could use the GLOG to produce their advertisement. We do a sound project where students create instruments from everyday items… yep present the instrument in a GLOG…  So will my kids be glogging this year… You betcha… The question is… Will yours?? 🙂

2 thoughts on “Postering yourself… what could be bettter?

  1. venita28

    My 3rd, 4th & 5th graders made glogs last year. I created accounts for them & they just played around with adding images, graphics, etc. – just exploring the options. Now they are ready to do content-oriented glogs. They loved it! See why I need those student laptops???

  2. I, too, love glogster. So much so that I am presenting about using GlogsterEDU at a conference this fall. I would love to share samples from other teachers. Let me know if you have any that you’d be willing to “donate.” Full credit, and kudos, will be given!

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